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Legal Notice

PlanetDNS, a division of NewAce Corporation ("PLANETDNS")

Copyright NewAce Corporation ©2009. w29652-377 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 4H2 Canada. All Rights Reserved.

PLANETDNS hereby authorizes you to view, print, copy and distribute information published by PLANETDNS on this or any other publicly accessed site maintained by PLANETDNS's World Wide Web server linked to this Legal Notice (collectively, the "Sites"), provided that (a) the information may be used internally (by you or any third party to whom you distribute it) only for informational, non-commercial purposes; (b) no fee may be charged for distribution of any information to any third party; and (c) any and all copyright or other proprietary notices that appear herein, together with this Legal Notice, must appear on all copies that you make or distribute.

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PLANETDNS logo and the PLANETDNS brand and product names referenced herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of NewAce Corporation. All other brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.

Unless expressly provided otherwise by PLANETDNS, all comments, feedback, information or materials submitted to PLANETDNS through or in association with the Sites shall be considered non-confidential and PLANETDNS's property. By submitting such comments, feedback, information or materials to PLANETDNS, you agree to a no-charge assignment to PLANETDNS of all worldwide rights, title and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the comments, feedback, information or materials. PLANETDNS shall be free to use, copy or distribute such comments, feedback, information or materials on an unrestricted basis without accounting to you.

The Sites may contain hyperlinks to other Web sites controlled by parties other than PLANETDNS. PLANETDNS is not responsible for and does not endorse the contents or use of these Web sites.

PLANETDNS controls the Sites from its office in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. You agree that any legal action, proceeding or other matters relating to your access to, or use of, the Information or the Sites shall be governed by Canadian federal law or the laws of the province of Ontario. You may not access, download, use or export the Information in violation of Canadian or U.S. export laws or regulations, or in violation of any applicable local laws or regulations.

If you have any questions concerning legal or other matters described above, contact the PLANETDNS Legal Department by telephone at 416 848 1985.

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